Mattot: Living in Balance

In Parshat Matot, a certain portion of Bnei Yisrael complain about entering the land that they were promised. What were they complaining about? What was their mistake? Has this mistake been repeated at any other moments in history? We can learn something about priorities from our ancestors.

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Pinchas: Sustenance from the Source

In Parshat Pinchas, Hashem allots portions of Israel to Bnei Yisrael. What benefit might this have had for a people entering their homeland? What benefit might this have for us now? Connection to specific aspects of the land can lead to a closer relationship with HaKadosh Baruch Hu.

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Balak: The Nature of Bil’am’s Prophecy

In Parshat Balak, Bilaam blesses Bnei Yisrael when he means to curse them. What might be the intent of the content of these blessings, though? Is there something specific to which Hashem is drawing our attention? Hashem gives a specific formula to Bilaam, utilizing aspects of His beautiful world.

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Chukat: Water Consciousness

In Parshat Chukat, we read about Bnei Yisrael’s various relationships with water. How can we better understand their attitude toward this essential resource? What do the different episodes in our parsha teach us about the different realities that are possible in our times? When we acknowledge the source of our water and the realities that surround it, our appreciation naturally increases.

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Shlach: Very, Very Good

In Parshat Shlach, the Torah describes a scared people who look up to scared spies. However, two of those spies exhibit courage and emunah in Hashem. In what was this fear based? In what was this courage based? Is there a relevant lesson for us? We can still improve our mistaken attitudes towards Hashem’s land.

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Beha’alotcha: Balancing Natural Forces

In Parshat Beha’alotcha, we read read about the Mishkan and Benei Yisra’el’s repeating complaints in the midbar. Are these just two separate events in the parsha? And what was going on in the minds of Benei Yisra’el? Our parsha offers deep psychological insight to implement in our lives.

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Naso: Learning From Our Mistakes

In Parshat Naso, we learn about a person called a nazir, who takes a unique status upon himself. What is behind this and other acts of self-restraint? What place does it have in this parsha, specifically? Perhaps this act of the nazir is more a reaction than an initiative.

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