GrowTorah Welcomes Ora Sheinson as New Board President


We are delighted to welcome our new board president Ora Sheinson! We conducted this short interview with her, so you can get to know Ora a bit better.

What is exciting for you about GrowTorah’s mission?

Continuing the legacy of Canfei Nesharim! Evonne Marzouk and I Co-founded Canfei Nesharim 20 years ago. Merging with GrowTorah in 2019 brought 20 years of work to the next level. GrowTorah is actively partnered with 25 Jewish organizations and reached over 8,000 individuals last year through our programs, much of it based on lessons that we wrote. Knowing that our work is being transmitted to so many people gives me great hope for our future and the impact we can continue to make in our community. 

What experience do you have doing Jewish environmental work?

I have been lecturing and writing about Jewish environmental issues since my days at Stern College for Women, Yeshiva University, and have been a guest lecturer at many synagogues up and down the east coast including a lecture as part of Yeshiva University’s Kollel Yom Rishon.  In law school I published this article exploring the legal foundations of harchakat nezikin and how that is applicable to modern environmental concerns and since then have written several articles on the halacha and the environment.  I have always approached Jewish environmental work from a deeply religious, and rigorous halachic and legal perspective. In our time at Canfei Nesharim, we were meticulous with our scientific and halachic research, and I am glad to bring that to the table here. 

What are you most excited about over the next 3 years as board president?

GrowTorah has done a tremendous job providing resources to families and our community throughout the pandemic. I’m particularly excited about leading our strategic planning process with our consultant, and engaging so many new board members. One thing I’d like is to get more Orthodox Rabbis involved in conversation with and for our organization. 

What’s your superpower as a board member?

I bring a combination of enthusiasm for the mission and years of practical expertise in what does and doesn’t work both in the Jewish environmental field and generally for organizations and boards.  I also bring years of experience from the corporate side of the table - I currently serve as the Chief Legal Officer and Chief Compliance Officer of a NYC-based financial company. My superpowers are strengthened by my amazing husband Baruch and our 4 wonderful children.

What other volunteer work are you passionate about?

I have served on the board of several non profits, including the Jewish Educational Center of Elizabeth, NJ, and am currently involved on the planning committees for a number of events run by the National Association of Women Lawyers.  In my spare time, I work with the Pro Bono Partnership to help non profits improve corporate governance and internal management. 

Yosef Gillers