Keeping it Green in Chabad of Greenwich


In each monthly feature, we showcase one of our Anafim Partners - this month is Chabad Preschool, Gan of Greenwich.

Joining the Anafim program in May of 2021, Chabad of Greenwich has built a gorgeous and inspiring garden and nature program. From upcycling tree logs to create their raised beds, nature scavenger hunts and growing delicious foods, the garden program has been a fantastic sucsess.


Each week, Garden Educator, Nicole Hebel, teaches environmental stewardship, and appreciation for the beauty in nature through beautiful crafting projects.

A special thank you to Chabad-parent, Jessica Hirsch, for taking over as Garden Educator for a portion of this year. She skillfully integrated books and songs into each garden class to maximize various styles of learning.


In addition to our Shorashim, GrowTorah thrives off of our relationship with our Anafim partners! As one of our Anafim partners, we advise and train school staff to run successful educational garden programs at their school. Among them is Chabad Preschool, Gan of Greenwich, the preschool of Chabad of Greenwich, Connecticut, providing daycare for 18 month olds through kindergarten and after-school care for 3-4 year olds.

The Anafim initiative was launched with help from a Covenant Foundation Ignition Grant.

Spence Weitzen