Flourishing in Flatbush

In this monthly feature, we showcase one of our Shorashim Partners - this month features Yeshivah of Flatbush.

In 2019, Yeshivah of Flatbush became GrowTorah’s 10th Shorashim Partner school. We are thrilled how YOF has helped us perpetuate a love of Torah and connecting with Hashem’s earth.

Every week, the 3rd grade classes attend lessons in the garden with Farmer Spence. These lessons are rooted in texts and values from the weekly parsha. Each lesson contains a parsha learning goal relating to GrowTorah’s Core Values, an interactive garden exploration, and garden work. Since YOF offers this special experience to their students exclusively during their 3rd grade year, students benefit from GrowTorah programming every single week, allowing them to learn a multitude of skills and values over the course of the year.

We can’t wait to see our friends at Yeshivah of Flatbush again in a few weeks for spring programming!


A special thank you to Chani Laufer, Chani Gratzman, and Leah Weiner for making GrowTorah feel right at home in the Yeshivah of Flatbush community.

At GrowTorah, we are privileged to work with many extraordinary partners, including those in our Shorashim program. For each of our Shorashim partners, we build beautiful vegetable gardens on-site, where our staff teach weekly lessons for the students throughout the growing season. One of our phenomenal partners is Yeshivah of Flatbush located in Brooklyn, NY. They are a Modern Orthodox, co-ed Jewish Day School.

Spence Weitzen