Parshat Shemot: The Power of Names

In this week’s parsha, the opening of Sefer Shemot, the Torah lists just that - names - the names of all the Jewish people who descended to Mitzrayim. Is there a lesson behind listing these names; something beyond informing us of the people involved in the parsha? Is there any connection between these names and the new Paroh being unaware of Yosef? Do we know who the people are in our lives who produce, maintain, and supply our goods? The first step to having a relationship with anyone is being aware of them - knowing their “names.”

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Spence Weitzen
Parshat Bo: Taking Notice in Our Time

In this week’s parsha, the Jewish people receive their first mitzvah as a nation - the mitzvah to sanctify Rosh Chodesh. What greater notion is behind this mitzvah? How can this mitzvah reconnect us to nature? Time can be very useful to us, when used properly.

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Spence Weitzen
Parshat Beshalach: When the Wood Meets the Water

In this week’s parsha, B’nei Yisra’el leave Mitzrayim in miraculous fashion. They travel through the Yam Suf, receive sweetened water, and receive water from a rock. What was B’nei Yisra’el’s relationship with water in this week’s parsha? What can we learn from the recurring theme of water? Water is not a resource we should take for granted and it is up to us to sustain it.

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Spence Weitzen
Parshat Yitro: Love of G-d and Material Desire

Parshat Yitro, hosts the ten commandments. The last of them is the lo ta’aseh against coveting. How can we ward against jealousy? What causes jealousy to begin with? What environmental factors do we jeopardize by coveting that of our neighbor? There are psychological and philosophical concepts that can lead one to environmentally friendly behaviors.

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Spence Weitzen
Parshat Ki Tisa: Coins, Cows and Counting

In this week’s Parsha, Hashem commands Moshe to count B’nei Yisra’el by means of collecting silver half-shekalim. What is the purpose of counting the Jewish people in this fashion at this juncture? Is there a deeper message in the use of money for this goal? Let’s explore the place of wealth in a Jewish life-style.

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Spence Weitzen