Celebrating 4 years!

Dear Farmily, 

Happy Merge-a-versary! This month we’re celebrating four years since GrowTorah merged with Canfei Nesharim - bringing Experiential and Environmental Torah education to thousands! 

We wanted to highlight a few initiatives this year that are a direct result of this merger:

  1. Library: On Tu b’Shvat 5783 we launched our Environmental Torah Library, with support from The CBRAT foundation. It includes a wealth of information, for free!

  2. 18 Core Lessons: This project was organized by Rabbi Yonatan Neril and Evonne Marzouk for Canfei Nesharim, as part of the Jewcology project. There are articles, deep dives, Torah sources, activities, videos and podcasts for each. 

  3. Weekly Parsha - Canfei Nesharim published a weekly Environmental Dvar Torah over 10 years ago. Our team has updated some of these articles and we are thrilled to offer them to you. In 2023, we added coloring pages for each parsha as well.

  4. Shorashim & Anafim Lessons: Our garden-based lessons in the Shorashim and Anafim are based off of weekly Parsha lessons from the Canfei Nesharim archives - we update them annually, but many foundational concepts come from these resources. 

  5. Archive: We have now fully archived the entirety of the Canfei Nesharim website on www.growtorah.org/canfeinesharim, preserving all the original articles and posts. 

  6. Tu b’Shvat: Since our merger, we have run over 80 Tu b’Shvat programs reaching over 7,000 participants across the USA. (Our booking system is now open - we welcome your requests!)

We are grateful to Ora Sheinson and Evonne Marzouk, co-founders of Canfei Nesharim, for their partnership in cultivating a more passionate, compassionate, and sustainable future driven by Torah values. 

As we celebrate this milestone, our hearts are heavy and our tefillot are strong for Am Yisrael. As celebrate Chanukah, we are reminded of the importance of spreading light and hope. In Sefer Mishlei it says "The Mitzvah is a lamp, and Torah is light" (Mishlei 6:23). May the mitzvot we do and the Torah we learn, bring light to our nation during these dark times. May we see the release, health, and safety, of every single hostage, as well as the success and safety of Am Yisrael, and peace for all Klal Yisrael.  

With light, 

Yosef Gillers and Sara Just-Michael

Yosef Gillers