Blooming in Brooklyn at Barkai Yeshivah


In this monthly feature, we showcase one of our Shorashim Partners - this month is Barkai Yeshivah.

GrowTorah programming has flourished at Barkai Yeshiva since 2018. It is incredibly meaningful to partner with teachers and students who share our passion for cultivating the earth using Torah values.

Every week, classes attend lessons in the Stephanie Sultan A”H Garden with Farmer Spence. These lessons are rooted in texts and values from the weekly parsha. Each lesson contains a parsha learning goal relating to GrowTorah’s Core Values, an interactive garden exploration, and garden work.

At GrowTorah, we are privileged to work with many extraordinary partners, including those in our Shorashim program. For each of our Shorashim partners, we build beautiful vegetable gardens on-site, where our staff teach weekly lessons for the students throughout the growing season. Barkai Yeshivah located in Brooklyn, NY, is a Modern Orthodox, Sephardic Yeshivah serving students in early childhood through 8th grade.

Sara Just-Michael